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URS and PENNY SCHNIDER (780-785-2519) (403-831-2519)

Good Tractors including Case 930 w Ezee On Loader & Cab * John Deere 2010 Tractor w/ pto * Ford 9N Tractor w/ 3 pt * Good Full Line of Haying Equipment (Claas 62 Rnd Baler * JD 896 S/D Rake * NH 1002 sq bale Stack Liner * More) * Horse/ Sheep Livestock Equip * Yard Equip & 3 Pt * Good Tools & Shop Supply & Support * 98 GMC 1500 SLE w/ ext Cab * 2009 Tango 29ft Bumper Hitch Pacific Coach RV Trailer * and Much Much More

URS and PENNY SCHNIDER (780-785-2519) (403-831-2519)

Sangudo, AB

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